Edina Chanda is 10 years old. Her exact birthday is unknown to those who care for her. Edina’s mother died when she was just 10 months old and her father is unknown. She currently lives with a relative, Beauty Bwalya. Edina likes to play netball. She says that she needs food, clothes and shoes. When asked what she wants to be when she grows up, Edina replies, “a nurse.”
We were able to take Edina shopping with 3 other girls. She had such a great time! When we first got to the mall, we went down the escalator. This was a brand new and exciting experience! We shopped at Pep and Edina bought a skirt, shirt, shoes and panties.
While the girls were shopping, Ken went to Shoprite (the grocery store) and bought a 10kg bag of Mealie meal, potatoes and apple for Edina and her caregiver, Beauty. We are so happy that Edina has beauty to care for her. Beauty is the cook at our school and a St John Home Health Care volunteer. She is a wonderful woman. Edina came to live with her while we were in California. She is a lucky little girl to have Beauty in her life. Beauty has 3 kids of her own and now Edina in her very small house, but they are all very loved and well cared for.