Many of these are one time costs. Cost of building the latrine: SuppliesCinder blocks, stones, transport to school site $105.00 Rod iron posts, sheet metal,cement and plastic, transport $ 42.00 Labor to build the Latrine $ 80.00
Steel door and frame $ 90.00
Two Outside Doors and Installation: Labor for installation and repairs to existing frames $ 75.00 Two Doors $120.00
Grass Fence Initial Payment (for materials) $205.00 Cost for labor and transport of materials $200.00
Chitenge Material (Traditionial dress for student dance performance) $ 35.00
Rent $170.00 Food for needy students and families $ 25.00 Medicines for ill people $ 40.00 Supplies for indoor school readiness $ 50.00 Salaries: (Mary, Newlyn, Fanny, Masau) they all deserve $220.00 so much more and they know that when things are settled their compensation will increase. They are dedicated and tireless workers) Total: $1,627